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Customer Stories

The other weekend we found ourselves up at 4am heading over to Euston Estate in Norfolk to feature Garden Glow UK at the East Anglia show. As usual, Annabelle and I worked hard but had a lot of fun at the same time. As an online business we relish these sort of ‘pop-up’ opportunities where we can meet customers in person.

We learn something new every time. This time it was about the combinations of products that you like to buy together. We have our gift box sets but have also always been keen to offer the option for customers to create their own ‘bespoke box’ . It was great fun to watch people putting their boxes together and to chat about the choices. Over the course of the weekend our customers showed us the ‘glampers' box’, the ‘wedding box’, the ‘new home box’, the ‘pergola box’ and the ‘instead-of-a-bottle-of-wine box’!

We loved hearing the stories behind these boxes and we loved seeing customers get such satisfaction from finding something ‘just right’ so we have decided to launch these new box collections on our website. You will see more about them on our Instagram first @gardenglowuk and we will be back in touch as soon as they are live on our website. For you, our subscribers, there will be 15% off with the code CUSTOMERSTORIES.


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